Lightweight and feature packed Wear OS Watch Face that displays time in words.
[Twelveish] adds a bit of comedy. Along with the full time, it also gives you estimations in large words in the middle of the display --Android Authority, "10 best Wear OS watch faces"
Twelveish is an open-source Wear OS (Android Wear) watch face that displays
• exact time and day of the week on the top
• date and battery percentage slightly below
• time in words, as well as two complications in the middle
• complication on the bottom
(complications are only available on Wear OS and Android Wear 2.0 or higher)
Other features:
• Over 30 background colors to choose from
• Over 30 main and secondary colors both for active mode and ambient
• 3 complications (2 round, 1 long or round)
• Option to disable tapping on complications - useful if you constantly open them by accident
• 16 different date format combinations
• 5 capitalization options
• 12 and 24 hour digital and word clock formats
• show/hide almost any info (digital and word clocks, date, battery percentage, complication) with different combinations both for active and ambient modes
• 11 languages (Dutch, English, Finnish, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Russian and Spanish)
• 11 fonts that are compatible with all languages (except for Greek)
• Wear OS (Android Wear) 1.4 and above support
• Chin (flat tire) support
• Square screen support
Feel free to contribute with translations, bug fixes or additional features. More about it here:
elawhatson (logo)
eelcovb (Dutch translation)
Lari Palander (Finnish translation)
Robin Roschlau (German translation)
Lefteris Popoff (Greek translation)
Richard Hriech (Hungarian translation)
Luigi Violin (Italian translation)
Johnny Wiig (Norwegian translation)
David Amian Valle (Spanish translation)
Marco Martinez (Spanish translation improvement)
Thank you!
轻巧且功能齐全的Wear OS Watch Face可以用文字显示时间。
[Twelveish]增加了一些喜剧。除了全职,它还可以在显示屏中间以大字显示估算 - Android Authority,“10个最佳Wear OS表面”
Twelveish是一款开源的Wear OS(Android Wear)表盘
• 精确的时间和星期几的顶部
• 日期和电池百分比略低于
• 言语时间,以及中间的两个并发症
• 底部并发症
(并发症仅适用于Wear OS和Android Wear 2.0或更高版本)
• 超过30种背景颜色可供选择
• 超过30种主要和次要颜色,用于活动模式和环境
•  3种并发症(2轮,1轮或1轮)
• 可以选择禁用攻击并发症 - 如果您不经意地打开它们,则非常有用
•  16种不同的日期格式组合
•  5个大写选项
•  12和24小时数字和字时钟格式
• 显示/隐藏几乎所有信息(数字和字时钟,日期,电池百分比,复杂功能),以及活动和环境模式的不同组合
•  11种语言(荷兰语,英语,芬兰语,德语,希腊语,匈牙利语,意大利语,立陶宛语,挪威语,俄语和西班牙语)
•  11种与所有语言兼容的字体(希腊语除外)
• 戴OS(Android Wear)1.4及以上支持
• 下巴(瘪胎)支持
• 方形屏幕支持
Lari Palander(芬兰语翻译)
Robin Roschlau(德语翻译)
Lefteris Popoff(希腊语翻译)
Richard Hriech(匈牙利语翻译)
Luigi Violin(意大利语翻译)
Johnny Wiig(挪威语翻译)
David Amian Valle(西班牙语翻译)
Marco Martinez(西班牙语翻译改进)